Jewish Community Relations Council: Working Today for a Safe Jewish Community Tomorrow

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So far this year, the Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary and our Jewish Community Relations Council have responded to several challenges facing our community.  

By meeting with local officials and key leaders, Federation and JCRC have shown that our behind-the-scenes, relationship-building work is the best way to garner support for the Jewish community, stand up against antisemitism and anti-Zionism, and advocate for the issues that the Jewish community holds most dear.  

In January, after a Nazi flag was hung in front of a house in Wake County, our Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) met with local officials and the Wake County Sheriff’s Office to ensure the incident was treated seriously and that the concerns of the Jewish community were heard. The Jewish community appreciated the outpouring of support from local officials who denounced the flag.  

In May, Federation and JCRC coordinated with national and local security officials to monitor antisemitic incidents and watch for potential threats to the Jewish community during the conflict between Israel and Gaza.  

After the Israel and Gaza conflict, JCRC leaders met with the owner of a local bakery, in response to antisemitic comments which the company made on its social media platforms. Over coffee with our Vice President of JCRC, the business owner expressed his regret for the comments while thanking us for the chance to learn more about Israel and the Jewish community.  

In June, several leaders of the JCRC, along with pro-Israel activists from Durham, attended a Raleigh City Council meeting to speak out against a rumored piece of anti-Israel legislation. Prior to speaking at the council meeting, JCRC leadership also made sure to reach out to several legislators one-on-one to explain our concerns with this legislation.  

And just this past week, JCRC responded to a community member who experienced antisemitic comments while walking her dog in downtown Raleigh. JCRC has been in touch with the community member as well as the police, who we are meeting with next week to ensure that our community is protected from hateful antisemitism.  

For decades, the JCRC and the Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary have been actively involved in advocating for the Jewish community in greater Raleigh and Wake County and serving as the voice of the needs of the Jewish community, fighting antisemitism, and standing up for Israel locally and nationally. For instance, in the 1990s, JCRC successfully advocated for Jewish holidays to be recognized by the Wake County Public School System, and in the 2000s by the Raleigh City Council. Additionally, the Jewish Federation and JCRC were critical in the passage of pro-Israel, anti-BDS legislation in the North Carolina State General Assembly in 2017. 

We know that none of our accomplishments are ours alone. The Jewish Federation is grateful for the support we receive from all Jewish leaders in our community, the partnership of synagogues and other Jewish institutions, the help of regional and national Jewish organizations, and the efforts of activists that work with us every day.  

To learn more about the Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary's Jewish Community Relations Council, to ask for help with a specific issue, or to get involved with our efforts, please contact us.  

Phil Brodsky, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation, 

Judah Segal, Vice President of JCRC on the Jewish Federation’s Board of Trustees,