Women’s Philanthropy provides opportunities in the Greater Raleigh Jewish community for all women to come together to promote, enhance, and celebrate Jewish life.
Our values guide us. Our passion for vibrant Jewish life and culture connects us.
Through service projects, social opportunities, educational programs, and a focus on leadership development, Women’s Philanthropy engages and educates women, inspiring their commitment to impactful philanthropy.
We are dedicated to making a difference today so we can have a thriving Jewish future for many generations to come.
If you would like to be a part of a dynamic and welcoming network of philanthropic women, join us!
Greater Raleigh Women’s Philanthropy is open to all, regardless of profession, marital/family status, involvement in the Jewish community, religious observance, or ability to give. Though financial giving is not a requirement for involvement in Women’s Philanthropy, our group exists to build and support the Jewish community. We encourage women to give of their time, their energy, their skills, and their financial resources at a level that best fits their situation and goals.
If you want to know more, and find out about upcoming opportunities to connect, sign up below to join our mailing list!
Would you like to sponsor a Women’s Philanthropy event in tribute to someone special?
Lions of Judah
The Lions of Judah is a giving society for women who donate $5,000 or more to the Jewish Federation of Greater Raleigh's Annual Campaign.
This donation may be given individually or as part of a family gift. Lions of Judah are among the most dynamic philanthropic Jewish women in the world, deeply involved at the local, national and international level. Lions can also endow their gift to ensure flourishing Jewish life for generations to come.
Upon a woman’s first donation of $5,000 or more, she gains immediate entry into this global giving society as well as the option to purchase a Lion of Judah pin. Membership also includes access to exclusive programming for Lions of Judah members locally, nationally, and globally. Each year that a woman sustains or increases her minimum $5,000 gift to Jewish Federation of Greater Raleigh’s Annual Campaign, she is eligible to have an additional gemstone set into the pin.
Contact us at Info@ShalomRaleigh.org to learn how you can join this international society of dedicated, generous women.