Meet Moishe Pod Raleigh

This summer, Michelle Sanchez and Sarah Horvitz are starting Moishe Pod Raleigh. Affiliated with Moishe House, the goal of the Moishe Pod is to build a “vibrant, diverse, fun-filled community for post-college-aged Jewish folks in the Triangle.”  We talked with Michelle and Sarah about why they got involved and what they hope to accomplish through Moishe Pod Raleigh.

Sarah Horvitz (L), Michelle Sanchez (R)

Q: Can you tell me about yourself and your history of involvement with the Jewish community?

Michelle:  I was born in Charlotte, but I’ve moved around. I lived in Peru from ages 3-7, then DC, then I really grew up outside of Philadelphia until sophomore year of high school. I was raised Catholic and my family is from Peru, so it was in Philadelphia that I was exposed to Jewish life. I learned through osmosis, talking to friends. I moved to Charlotte my sophomore year of high school. I was driving with my mom, passing by a synagogue, and told her I was interested in checking out the synagogue—and it turned out she felt the same way. We checked out a Shabbat service together, and eventually we both converted to Judaism. In college I was involved in Hillel, though not as much as Sarah.  I’ve just been learning and absorbing.  With this new Moishe Pod, I’m interested in taking on a more active role and immersion in Jewish community.

Sarah: I was born in Boston and moved to North Carolina when I was younger.  I had my bat mitzvah at Temple Beth Or. I went to a lot of Jewish camps, including overnight camp.  I was a madrichah at Temple and got confirmed there. I was on the board at Hillel at NC State—first the social action chair, then President. I even created a post-president role to stay involved! Now I’m involved in Moishe House.

Michelle: We met at NC State, but we were acquaintances who didn’t know each other that well.

Q: How did you get involved in Moishe House? How does it work?

Sarah: We each heard the other one was getting involved in Moishe House and we individually liked the idea.

Michelle:  I had considered doing it in Durham, but I was also considering grad school. This was before COVID, so I would have to drive between Durham and Raleigh every day. Distance can be a factor, so it spoke to the need for a Moishe House for people in downtown Raleigh. Someone reached out to me in October, Joshua Goldberg (Director of Expansion).  He had received our names through a contact and that person had recommended us for running a Moishe Pod.  He wanted to set up an introductory call.  Really it was word of mouth.

Sarah: It’s like a post-college Hillel kind of vibe. It’s a place for Jewish people to be social in their twenties, a community of people with a similar lifestyle. Michelle and I will live together and host the events. We are a pod with two people, so we have three events a month.  We’ll do arts events, social events, Shabbat.

Michelle:  It can be a mix of events at home or outside.

Q: Why did you want to start a Moishe Pod in Raleigh?

Sarah:  A lot of people came to events and were excited about how close it was to their house. I’m excited because I missed having a Jewish community while working from home during COVID. It was a way to form a group again.

Michelle: The last two years of COVID, I was living at home, so I got used to observing Shabbat and religious holidays with my family. I enjoyed that, but I wanted to experience that with other people my age. For me, since high school, since I started learning about Judaism, I felt like an outsider because I don’t have the traditional Jewish upbringing. This is an opportunity to immerse myself in the community and take an active role in it.

Moishe Pod Raleigh Open House (June 26, 2022)

Q: What do you hope to see Moishe House do in the next few years?

Sarah:  I hope it gets comfortable, in a way that makes people want to come by.  I want to see people form real friendships. I want people to take an active role in helping out at events, and finding their group of people.

Michelle: From what I’ve been seeing, people have been telling us that they recently moved here and they didn’t know that there was a Jewish presence in Raleigh. If people are moving here, they can become aware that there is a Jewish community in Raleigh. We want to make it known to other people.

Q: What do you want our community to understand about Moishe Pod Raleigh?

Michelle:  Moishe Pod Raleigh is an opportunity for post-grad young professionals in the Raleigh area who want to be involved in the Jewish community, but they aren’t at the stage in life where they are ready to join a synagogue.  It’s an opportunity for people to learn who else is around to connect with, but aren’t necessarily ready for that next big steps.

Q: How can people get involved?

Michelle:  We have a Facebook page, Moishe Pod Raleigh. We post events here. They can contact us by e-mail at and sign up for our newsletter. We have an Instagram where we post a lot of our events.