SHALOM Act Passes NC House on Inaugural Jewish Lobby Day

On May 7 and 8, Jewish Federations from across North Carolina and leaders from other Jewish organizations came together for two days of lobbying at the North Carolina Legislature in Raleigh.

Governor Roy Cooper with representatives from North Carolina Jewish Federations, Jewish for Good, Stand with Us, and IAC (May 8, 2024)

Delegations met with their elected officials in the State House and State Senate to discus topics that matter most to North Carolina’s growing Jewish community, including growing rates of antisemitism and the need for increased funding for security. Additionally, leaders met with Governor Roy Cooper, who spoke emphatically about his support for the Jewish community.

The event culminated on May 8 with the NC House passing the SHALOM Act with overwhelming bipartisan support, a vote of 105-4. If passed into law, the bill will allow North Carolina to adopt the IHRA working definition of antisemitism, providing guidance to local governmental bodies, educational institutions, and law enforcement agencies on identifying and responding to antisemitic incidents. The bill will now go to the State Senate.

Thank you to everyone who called, emailed, and met with their elected officials to make this possible. If you would like to be involved in future advocacy efforts, please contact